We are pleased to announce that we have made improvements to the Project Portal and across the Indy ecosystem. Discover the new improvements and see how they can make your workflow easier!
Project portal updates
Portal preview
— You can now quickly preview portals before you share them with your clients.
Changes to portal settings and sharing
— We've made some adjustments to how you manage portals in preparation for some future improvements.
  • The portal invite email will no longer be sent automatically when the portal is enabled. You'll have more control over when your clients receive this communication. You can easily share your portal with your clients by clicking the share button.
  • To streamline portal settings, the welcome message and the enable portal toggle have been moved into the settings tab.
More portal optimizations
  • Milestones have been repositioned as Deliverables. The feature is the same, just a quick name change.
  • Better mobile browser support for projects and portals.
  • Red dot indicator for unread chat messages.
  • Fixed a bug where older projects didn't have project chats enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where clients couldn't edit or delete their chat messages.
  • Fixed a bug that was affecting video previews in chats
  • Added Indy profile photos to the beginning of chat threads. Don't forget to add a profile photo to your account settings.
Other improvements
  • Exported PDF invoices now show payment methods you've selected for a specific invoice instead of displaying all of them.
  • Optimized form-field placeholder text in the contract builder to provide more clarity.
  • Moved the mark invoice as paid and mark proposal as approved actions in the 3-dot menus to clean up your top navigation.
  • You can now open your default email client directly from Indy to easily share your document links.