We have made several updates to invoices and document management that will enhance your experience. Here are the new improvements you can expect to see:
  • Character limits for invoice title fields were increased to handle longer names
  • We have made creating line item templates in Invoices and Proposals simpler. You’ll no longer need to re-enter item names when adding new line item templates, as they will automatically copy over.
  • You now have increased flexibility and control over which invoices you can void.
  • Resolved some issues that were preventing you from deleting documents (invoices, contracts, and proposals) that could be cluttering your workspace.
  • Fixed an issue with unread notifications not displaying properly when the sidebar navigation was collapsed. You won't miss out on any new activity!
  • Improved how proposals work with Zapier by introducing new event triggers, and updating to the latest version of Zapier to ensure an optimal experience.
  • Proposals look good again. Exported PDF's no longer have odd-looking margins.